Nirdhan Business Development Services (NBDS)

Nirdhan Business Development Services (NBDS):

Nirdhan has BDS program to the MFI clients, especially NUBL clients.  Presently, MFIs are addressing livelihood for their clients.  BDS is the tool for helping to MFIs clients for their business skill Development and scale up their business. MFIs can address the poverty reduction through their Micro-Credit Services with integration of  NBDS.


  1. Creation of business awareness and motivation among rural communities.
  2. Qualitative and Quantitative improvement of self- employment and small-scale enterprises in the rural area of country.
  3. Creating more employment and Self- employment opportunities for women and youth.
  4. Assisting members to select suitable enterprises.
  5. Providing training for entrepreneurship development and technical skill training.
  6. Business consultancy and advisory services.
  7. Building market linkages.
  8. Providing training for feasibility studies of proposed business.
  9. Creation of a favorable credit culture.
  10. Ensuring a better standard of living for MFIs clients.

Last Updated (Thursday, 17 December 2015 06:47)

Nirdhan Marketing Services Pvt. Ltd.

Nirdhan Marketing Services Pvt. Ltd.

Market is one of the crucial factors for enterprise development. Nirdhan has a aim of developing effective marketing services for on-farm and non-farm based products of NUBL clients and link it with local as well as national market to create better marketing opportunities and optimum prices.
Nirdhan has taken gender and social inclusion as cross cutting issues in all of its programs and projects.

Our Program intervention approaches :

  • Align with poverty reduction strategic plan of Government of Nepal
  • General intervention strategy for household economic security
  • Scaling up of learning and good practices
  • Coordination, linkages, partnership building, negotiation
  • Achieve Gender equity
  • Community procurement & financial transparency
  • Quality control through regular participatory monitoring & evaluation
  • Cost effectiveness/community Contribution
  • Participatory approach in community mobilization/local resource mobilization
  • Managing horizontal communication of innovations
  • “One Product One Village” approach
  • Sustainability approach
  • Socially inclusive

Nirdhan Technical Training Services

Nirdhan Technical Training Services

With the aim to provide vocational and technical skills to the youths and adolescents of deprived sector of society on affordable prices and easily accessible to deprived sector, Nirdhan technical institute (NTI) was established in 2004 at Bhairahawa, Rupandehi which is relocated in Butwal. It is only one technical institute in Nepal which has been jointly promoted by non-government organization (Nirdhan) and microfinance institution i.e. Nirdhan Utthan Bank Ltd (NUBL). It is affiliated with CTEVT.

NTI assists individuals to become employable through training, skills development, internship and counseling etc. This assistance is crucial to improve and sustain their productivity and income-earning opportunities at work. It serves to enhance their mobility in the labor market and offer the potential for increased career choices. By investing in their human resources, enterprises are able to improve productivity and compete more successfully in increasingly competitive market. NTI has designed training policies and programs with special emphasis on training strategies that support the integration of groups that may be disadvantaged in the national and international labor market.

Realizing the fact that Skills and knowledge are the engines of economic growth and social development and if the NUBL clients are equipped with technical and vocational skills, they could immediately engage in employment after training which enhances their regular income. The vocational and technical skills being provided by the NTI are electrical TSLC, Jr. electrical technician (1 yr), electrical assistant (3 months), micro hydro technician (1 year), plumber (3 months), Bar bender-Shuttering Carpenter (3 months), electronics, computer long and short term trainings for the school dropped out as well as SLC graduates on affordable price and sponsorship programs through I/NGOs, GOs and private sectors. It also organizes mobile type trainings as per requirement. It has well equipped classrooms and learning facilities which facilitates effective learning environment. The NUBL clients of 11 working districts are benefiting through the program. After graduation from the trainings, the individual can easily access loan through NUBL for his/her enterprise creation and self employment in national and international job market.

Nirdhan Agro-Enterprise Development Services

Agriculture is the key sector for livelihood development for rural areas. Based on agriculture sub-sector analysis and putting micro finance as a key factor, Nirdhan has identified income generation activities such as poultry farming, goat keeping, pig cum fish farming, leasehold vegetable farming, high value herbs and NTFP farming etc for the resource poor farmers. During long years of experiential learning of Nirdhan, it has been learned that the pro-poor activities have significant impact on the income of poor women ultimately the livelihood. Nirdhan provides livelihood skill training, technical backstopping, advisory communication, linkage with input and output market at community level, develop technical cadres at local level, link the poor women with micro finance services of NUBL. These activities have been carried out in “one product one village” approach to create better marketing opportunities. With the technical and financial support, several communities have been developed as poultry village, goat village, piggery village etc. These types of activities have been carried out in communities of Banke & Dang from the financial and technical support of ILO and are being carried out in Bara and Rautahat from the technical and financial support of Plan Nepal.