Entries by admin

Nirdhan Business Development Services (NBDS)

Nirdhan Business Development Services (NBDS): Nirdhan has BDS program to the MFI clients, especially NUBL clients.  Presently, MFIs are addressing livelihood for their clients.  BDS is the tool for helping to MFIs clients for their business skill Development and scale up their business. MFIs can address the poverty reduction through their Micro-Credit Services with integration […]

Commercial Vegetables Farming Training in Nuwakot,Dhikure.

Training on Commercial Vegetables Farming:  Vegetables are one of the nutritious foods and are considered to be protective foods since they contain high amount of vitamins and minerals. As per the general health standard, the minimum consumption requirement of the vegetables per person is 300 grams. Vegetables also supply dietary fibers (cellulose, Hemi cellulose, and […]

Nirdhan Marketing Services Pvt. Ltd.

Nirdhan Marketing Services Pvt. Ltd. Market is one of the crucial factors for enterprise development. Nirdhan has a aim of developing effective marketing services for on-farm and non-farm based products of NUBL clients and link it with local as well as national market to create better marketing opportunities and optimum prices. Nirdhan has taken gender […]

Nirdhan Technical Training Services

Nirdhan Technical Training Services With the aim to provide vocational and technical skills to the youths and adolescents of deprived sector of society on affordable prices and easily accessible to deprived sector, Nirdhan technical institute (NTI) was established in 2004 at Bhairahawa, Rupandehi which is relocated in Butwal. It is only one technical institute in […]

Financial Literacy Training Program under Sustainable Access to Finance and Livelihood (SAFAL) Project : Mercy Corps, Nepal (Jan to Sep. 2015)

The populations of the hilly and mountainous regions of Nepal still remain under-served in terms of access of micro finance. Since these areas are considered risky and expensive to serve, most of the financial institutions are hesitant to operate in these areas.  Nevertheless, Mercy Corps have enabled the related MFIs expand into these areas with […]

Nirdhan Agro-Enterprise Development Services

Agriculture is the key sector for livelihood development for rural areas. Based on agriculture sub-sector analysis and putting micro finance as a key factor, Nirdhan has identified income generation activities such as poultry farming, goat keeping, pig cum fish farming, leasehold vegetable farming, high value herbs and NTFP farming etc for the resource poor farmers. […]

Livelihood Promotion of Landless and Resource Poor in Plan Community in Bara and Rautahat District, supported by Plan Nepal.

Nepal is one the poorest country of the world having population below poverty level (per day income less than 1 US dollar per day).  Rautahat are one of the most densely populated terai districts of central development region of Nepal. Based on overall composite index of Rautahat district rank is  53. Poverty situation of these […]