Entries by admin

Commercial Goat farming Training at Khajura.

Goats are raised or created primarily for meat, milk, fiber, and skin. Goats are raised in the front yard through the feeding of kitchen leftovers and herbs. They were grown to get household milk consumption and to make goat’s milk ayurvedic medicine also now these days.. There are many sorts of varieties of goats. Several […]

Commercial Mushroom Farming Training Program at Bastari, Tansen.

Training On Commercial Mushroom Farming. Mushrooms are a type of fungi, which are consumed as food. Mushroom consumption and cultivation are old practices started some thousands of years ago. 20 different species of mushrooms are commercially cultivated around the world. Mushrooms have gained recognition in the food chain because they contribute nutrient supplements to the […]

Training on Commercial Pig Farming.

Training on Commercial Pig Farming. Pig farming  is not new in Nepal it has been accepted socially and culturally by certain ethnic groups. Pig farming trend is changing gradually due to urbanization some commercial and modern pig farming practice recently started in Nepal. Pigs on the farm are raise in clean, healthy, natural environment with plenty of moving vegetable […]

Training on Commercial Poultry Farming.

Poultry farming in Nepal and its popularity increasing between local farmers they raising chickens organically for meats or eggs that provides a rapid return on your investment. Chicken farming in Nepal is very popular between urban and rural farmers of Nepal. Pasture raised chicken farming is a best source to maximize their benefit of villagers. Basically chickens grow on a farm […]

Training on Commercial Buffalo Farming.

Buffalo farming in Nepal is a profitable business it has good potential source for generating income and employment in community. Buffalo is multi-purpose animals commercial buffalo farming in Nepal is to produce the milk, meat and skin. Demands of grass feed buffalo meat and organic dairy products increasing rapidly all over the world because of its distinctive flavor and health benefits. For thousands […]

Training on Commercial Coffee Farming.

Nepal is a country that is gifted geographically. Despite the fact that the total land area of Nepal is so small, you can find different landscapes as a part of the country. However, the majority of the land area in Nepal is covered in hills. On top of that, the climate of Nepal is balanced, […]

Skilled Development Training Program

Training on Commercial Vegetables Farming. Vegetables are one of the nutritious foods and are considered to be protective foods since they contain high amount of vitamins and minerals. As per the general health standard, the minimum consumption requirement of the vegetables per person is 300 grams. Vegetables also supply dietary fibers (cellulose, Hemi cellulose, and […]

Financial Literacy Trainings for SAFAL

The populations of the hilly and mountainous regions of Nepal still remain under-served in terms of access of micro finance. Since these areas are considered risky and expensive to serve, most of the financial institutions are hesitant to operate in these areas.  Nevertheless, Mercy Corps have enabled the related MFIs expand into these areas with […]

Community Based Micro Health Insurance Project (CBMHIP),Banke.

Community Based Micro Health Insurance Project. Community Based Micro Insurance Project (CBMHI), Sanjeevani, is being implemented by Nirdhan NGO since October 2010  in Banke district with the financial assistance from Save the Children Nepal with technical partnership with Micro Insurance Academy (MIA), India. Sanjeevani is an inclusive, community owned and managed micro health insurance program, working […]